Friday, April 4, 2008

Tom Cruise is pissed!... crazy.

Aside from enjoying walks on the beach, rescuing his bbq grill from the depths of the ocean, Tom Cruise enjoys spreading Xenu's love, displaying manic episodes on national telivision, and recruiting, tailoring and brain washing young beautiful women. Tom Cruise likes to get serious, after all he is a serious actor, maybe not.... He is taking legal action however,

Cannabis clubs in Northern California allegedly are selling vials of the marijuana with a picture of Cruise laughing hysterically, the Rush & Molloy column reports.
I would be pissed too, because if I were Tom Cruise I would have expect drug experts to know me a little better; I don't think he was aiming for a weed market but more along the lines of LSD.

manic type: A manic-depressive psychosis characterized by states of elation or
excitement out of keeping with the individual's circumstances and varying from
enhanced liveliness (hypomania) to violent, almost uncontrollable, excitement.
Aggression and anger, flight of ideas, distractibility, impaired judgment, and
grandiose ideas are common.1

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