Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chelsea Clinton's response poor?

While I have to admit I have a soft spot for the Clintons. Don't get me wrong I am all for Obama as well, however there is a itch in me that wants Clinton to win for various reasons. One being, I am so tired of hearing the small minded state: “ I would shoot my self if that whore became president”. There is no logical reason behind their statement, in fact its so when asked for a intelligent reason I receive none but the same message in a different context, " we don't need a dumb bitch screwing up our country". Now I am not a “women's activists” so to speak and nor am I one to preach about feminism. However I have notice that these men that make these comments and follow with a breath of silence when asked to elaborate are 24 years of age and younger. I have to wonder, will these people be determining our future?

While the fact that Hillary was humiliated publicly at the expense of her husbands poor personal choices I can not get passed the fact that many people felt it necessary to make this families life personal. Can you imagine being a husband or wife who's spouse was unfaithful and have it made public, and not only that but criticism was put on your shoulders pertaining to your achievements do to your spouses inability to be faithful? As I recall things were running so smooth and so peaceful while he was in office and lets be honest with each other, he was not the only president to have an affair.

Most of these women they marry are bred and designed for this political life and the burdens it carries. These are the modern day royal families, they might be in love but most often its in the best interest of the families names to marry another with an elite name. Aside from my rambles and going in circles, because god knows I will never get an answer as to why who's pants the president is in depicts the quality of his work.
I'm going to have to say Chelsea could have answered this in a more logical manner. The answer did not follow the question. I respect her for protecting her mother, however if it were me I would have said...
“ My fathers personal actions and decisions do not make who my mother is, I believe this subject is in the past and not a part of this election.” I dunno something a little more to the following of the presented question.


Big Matt said...

Well, Hillary wasn't humiliated because of her husband. She humiliated herself by standing by her man. Had she left him while he was President, in the White House, that would have made a bold statement for women across America. Instead she chose to stay in the White House and continue to back up her cheating husband. To me she did lose credibility.

Im 28 and am not all that bright but I can say that I would rather not have Clinton as President. That being said I would not see Obama as POTUS either. Neither candidate has done enough in my mind to deserve the title. They are essentially running the same campaign of change. Change change change is all you hear, with little substance behind it. One is running as a black man and the other as a woman. but neither candidate has sat in their previous government roles very long nor have they served their country or or or the list of things they have not done is much longer than the things they have done.

Personally, I voted for huckabee because out of all the candidates on both sides he seemed the most "Presidential" but seeing as he lost I can now only choose the best of what is left and that leaves me with McCain. It scares me that people are so enamoured with the idea of change that they will overlook some substance or lack thereof and vote for the black guy or the woman.

Information Junkie said...

All the candidates this time around frighten me. I would however like someone is not gonna anally probe me with the economy, my health, and my tuition. Who ever that is hopefully they do great things * Cheesy tone*.