Ok this is where I get all emo. I have to wonder when I hear the statistics about how many animals are euthanized to make space in shelters each year v.s number of adoptions.Then on the other coin I wonder when I hear about how many criminals are released each due to lack of space in our prisons.
Maybe its crazy, and I know most don't hold animals to the esteem they hold humans. I do have to argue though, when a another human harms your little girl, murders your neighbor or rapes your sister, do you feel good that your tax dollars are going to house, clothe and feed this individual?
Then we have the animals we lack so little compassion for by providing mere donations to kill them when they have no where else to go. These are beings who most often haven't harmed a soul, they are ever forgiving and demonstrate the true act of unconditional love. These creature end up in these shelters because their human families could not uphold their end of the deal, which is responsibility and loving the animal in return.
Its my understanding that animals are cheaper to care for than humans. So why not reverse the tax directions, euthanize the repeated sex offenders, murderers and drug dealers, I mean of course unless proven innocent. I would feel much safer knowing my tax dollars are paying for space and a set income for the care takers of innocent creatures than a crazy hoagie who gets off beating infants and stealing money from loved ones to get their next fix.
Hey, Im all for killing all the prisoners. and keeping all the dogs/cats etc. ill sign your petition.
If we just go down death row across the board that'd be a great start.
I signed! Save le animals. Maybe you could cram a child molester in one of the tiny cages the animals are in now and see how they like it.
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