The news of real pirates has been dominating blogs and news sites for the last 4 days so I thought I would chime in on the pirate orgy. The so called Captain jack's high jacked a French yacht off the eastern coast of Africa where the government is so poor and weak they are unable to patrol their own borders.
My time out question:
What the fuck are rich D-Bags doing in poor waters? Your guess is as good as mine.
As of April 6th the French government has been in talks with the Pirate Jacks and they state they have to do everything to avoid blood shed. Then continue to respond when asked if they will pay a ransom, "We'll see". TSK TSK, now thats fishy ( no pun intended, or bad pun in any case). Now I may admire the French for their architecture, their art, their wine, their language, and their mens packages I do not admire their lack of balls when it comes to conflict. Why not just use Bond devices, hunt these Jacks down and Hiroshima them. I mean its a great display of girth and man sweat. I mean maybe the hostages suffer a bit or more than likely perish but and least future wanna be Disney impersonators will not want to tinker with Frances off spring.
How ever I must say I hope these chaps end up home back in their luxury estates, and $850 slippers instead of beheaded on a unknown island off the coast of some third world country. Good luck to you guys, enjoy that life of adventure you only see in films.
Hey... I heard something... That you're a pirate! That should explain everything!
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